Smannell Field School
The school meets the needs of secondary age pupils e.g. national curriculum years seven to eleven who live within the Test Valley District Council boundary area. Admissions are via referral only. A referral can be made by a child's current secondary school who will, in the first instance, approach the local authority's (Hampshire County Council) Inclusion and Support Service (ISS).
The School Day and Uniform
The school day begins at 08:45 hours and finishes at 15:00hours (this is called the 'core' day). Pupils access all or part of the core day according to individual need. All lessons are compulsory and the core day includes seven lessons. Pupils and staff are together throughout the core day (including break and lunch times). Three meals and are provided during the core day; breakfast, break and lunch, there is no charge for this.
Every child has a Personal Tutor and this will be your main contact point within the school. Your child's Personal Tutor will get to know your child well and will meet with you regularly as well as talking to you on the phone; you are an important part of your child's success at this school.
There are only two compulsory items of uniform - a polo shirt with school logo and a round neck sweatshirt with school logo. As well as this pupils wear any item of black clothing e.g. sportswear, jeans, skirts etc. Uniform items can be purchased from the school; pupils are encouraged to wear training/sports shoes.
Home/School Partnership ... we need your help
Your child will have every opportunity to succeed at Smannell Field School and we need you to work closely with us to ensure that they do. We will welcome you into school regularly and keep in touch with you. If you have any concerns please contact us as soon as possible, we are here to support you and your child.
Pupils make good academic progress during their time at this school"
Would you like to contact your child's tutor?
If you would like to discuss your child's progress in school please click here to email their tutor.